Create client protocols in minutes with my DONE-FOR-YOU Practice Better Snippets!



Does this sound like you?

  • It takes you hours to create client protocols.
  • You feel like to you spend most of your time working.
  • You're not confident in your recommendations to your clients.
  • You feel burnt-out in your business.

Ready to stop wasting hours of your time creating client protocols so that you can get back to doing what you love? 


My Done-for-you Snippets are for you if...

You already have your Practice Better set up but you want to optimize your client protocols and lab report of findings.

You are sick of spending hours on client protocols and working crazy hours to get them done.

You want to be more efficient so you can help more clients.

I get it!


I was once where you are now. When I first started my business I felt like I was working non-stop for little reward. I was working until midnight most nights just trying to write client protocols and lab report of findings. They took me HOURS and I was EXHAUSTED!


I knew I couldn't continue to run a business this way so I decided to utilize the Practice Better Snippets and oh my goodness, they CHANGED MY LIFE!!!


I went from creating client protocols in hours to creating them in UNDER 10 MINUTES! Utilizing snippets in my business has literally saved me 10+ hours EACH WEEK!!


Now I want to help you set up Practice Better Snippets so that you too can create client protocols and lab report of findings in minutes, not hours. I want you to be able to get back to doing what you love.

Imagine if you could…

  • Create client protocols and lab report of findings in less than 10 minutes (not hours)
  • Feel confident with the recommendations your provide your clients
  • Have more time to do the things you love
  • Bring on more clients so you can earn more $$$


Practice Better Snippets

DONE-FOR-YOU Practice Better Snippets so you can create client protocols and lab report of findings in less than 10 minutes, not hours. 


Wondering what Snippets are?

Snippets are like templates that you can create and add to your client protocols, forms & waivers, notes, recommendations etc. (also known as LIFE SAVERS!)

Are you ready to...

go from

  • spending hours creating client protocols and lab report of findings
  • feeling unsure about your recommendations
  • not having enough time to bring on more clients

to this

  • creating client protocols and lab report of findings in less than 10 minutes
  • feeling confident in your recommendations
  • earning more $$$ because you are working more efficiently and have the time to bring on more clients

Because of the snippets you provided in the course, my GI map interpretation took me 6 minutes!!!!!!

Hi! I just wanted to send you a message because I bought your course the week after finishing FDN, and I just got my first GI Map back. Because of the snippets you provided in the course, my GI map interpretation took me 6 minutes!!!!!!!!! I can't believe how much time I just saved - I totally thought that the lab interpretation was going to be super time consuming. Now I will be able to take on more clients too and make more $$ because of this system. Thank you!!



Here’s what you get when you join today

  • lifetime access
  • video training walking you through how to set up and properly utilize snippets within Practice Better
  • done-for-you lab snippets and report of findings for GI Map, HTMA and DUTCH
  • done-for-you snippets for supplements, lifestyle and lab instructions

All you have to do is copy & paste the snippets into Practice Better!



Here's what they're saying


Practice Better Snippets






Hi! I'm Nicole

When I started my business back in 2017, I had absolutely NO idea what I was doing. I had a health and life coaching certification and was more clueless than ever.


What completely changed my business wasn't spending $10k on a business mentor, it was automating Practice Better so that I could spend less time on tasks and more time marketing and enrolling clients into my programs.


2021 was my first six figure year as an entrepreneur, and it was also my first year as a Mom. I can tell you first hand how difficult it is trying to run a business that is not automated with a baby at home!


I went from being a burnt-out Nutritionist to freeing up SOO much of my time while earning more $$$!


I have helped over 80+ health professionals automate their business with my Automate Your Wellness Biz course. One of the most popular modules is my Snippets module which has helped my students save HOURS of their time so I wanted to make it more accessible for everyone so I can help you too!


Wondering if
Practice Better Snippets
are for you?

This is for you if

  • you already have your Practice Better setup but you want to optimize your client protocols and lab report of findings
  • you are sick of spending hours on client protocols
  • you want to be more efficient so you can help more clients
  • you want to provide clients with recommendations that you are confident in
  • you don't want to spend hours setting up your own snippets

It's time to get started!

If you're ready to stop spending hours creating client protocols and lab report of findings, so you can work less or bring on more clients to earn more $$$, then it is time to get started!


Got questions?